Joy Lynn

 Jesus Follower.
Tom’s wife.
Silas and Ike’s mama.
Plant killer.
Big sweatshirt wearer.
Strong opinions, loosely held.

December | 2016

December | 2016

I cannot believe it's 2017! This past year seemed to fly by... was it just me? I know everyone keeps talking about how 2016 was some big dumpster fire, and in some ways I must agree, but in so many others I can't help but wonder if it's what our society chose to focus on that made it so crappy. Frankly, Tom and I had a pretty depressing chapter in our year, but that chapter doesn't make the rest of the year's story a sad ending. I mean, we have a freshly renovated home (I still go ga-ga over our kitchen every time I use it), a puppy to bring home in a few days, fun trips and adventures under our belts, and never ending laughter. In fact, I think I have RBF so many times because my face needs a rest from laughing with my Thomas. 

December itself accurately summed up our year, though. It included good food, time with family, new endeavors in our professional lives and in our personal adventures, lots of love, and yes... puppies! Can you guys tell how excited I am about our bernese mountain dog? Because I'm really, REALLY excited. Not to worry, he has a separate Instagram account to house my overload of puppy photos (I'll share the account with you soon). Anyways, here's a summary of what happened this month along with a few photos...

  • We got to watch the Christmas concert at our alma mater via live streaming, and had some friends who were actually attending, wave at us. It was a fun way to start the month.
  • I participated in The Bloom Workshop's December Instagram photo challenge.
  • Tom and I finally bought a Chemex coffee maker and have been using it as our primary brewing method each day.
  • We finished our small entryway with some functional storage, a large mirror, and minimal decor. Love it!
  • We attended our second Christmas parade in Helen, GA purely for the sake of seeing the bernese mountain dogs that walk it. We saw familiar faces and pups and had a grand ol' time.
  • On our way home from the parade, we stopped by what is currently the nearest Culver's (hour drive) for dinner. Lo and behold, just yesterday, we discovered a new one being built only 15 minutes up the road from us. Jesus loves us!
  • I did my first photoshoot! Possibly more on the photography topic soon...
  • Then I had a photo shoot done of me by photographer and hair and makeup artist, Benita. She was such a doll and I had as much fun hanging out with her as I had getting all prettied up! Check her out here and here.
by BRC

by BRC

  • We prepped for the puppy (including his GIANT kennel) and I've anxiously awaited his arrival day by day.
  • We enjoyed lots of hot, homemade drinks (lattes!) and Christmas cookies.
  • To end the month, we spent the holidays in Idaho with all of Tom's family. It was nice to see some snow! And also ride weird motorized animals through a mall.

Cheers to 2017, my friends. May it bring you health, happiness, and if nothing else, a grateful heart for all that is good.

Also, thank you sincerely, sweet readers and followers, for your devotion and support on this little place amidst the great big interwebs. I hope what you find here inspires, lightens, relates, or offers some sort of comfort, escape, or joy to your life. I absolutely love hearing from you and I'd love to know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see more of in the new year. Comment below, on Facebook, Instagram, via email, my contact form, whatever floats your boat... but let me know what brings you back here time and time again! Want to see more food? More everyday adventure ideas? Marriage posts..?.. what topics in particular? Posts on Atlanta? Encouraging life posts? Puppy pictures ;) ? Interactive positivity challenges? Photography?

Seriously! Tell me what you'd like to see, and I'll try my hand at it! 

Home Tour

Home Tour

Choosing A Camera

Choosing A Camera