Joy Lynn

 Jesus Follower.
Tom’s wife.
Silas and Ike’s mama.
Plant killer.
Big sweatshirt wearer.
Strong opinions, loosely held.

You're busy.... and no one cares.

You're busy.... and no one cares.

Oh my gosh, I am so busy.

My days are spent trying to settle in our house - which is a constant, uphill battle trying to get house project after house project done. If I'm not doing that, I'm trying to find a spare minute to get blog networking, reading, and commenting in. Of course, somewhere in there I'm trying to find the inspiration for a meaningful, intentional blog post... not to mention the editing and picture taking and social media managing. Plus, the additional time I spend volunteering my hours to others. Seriously though, keeping up with the ever-chaotic construction zone of our house is enough! Busy busy busy, I tell you!

Who cares?

The above paragraph is what I sound like when people ask me what's new. It's similar to what other people sound like when I ask what's new with them... and frankly, who cares?

Why is it that when we ask what's been going on in someone's life, it turns into a match between busyness? We pride ourselves in it. A short answer of "just work, really" suddenly doesn't sound like enough to us. Why in the world does this person only work 9-5 and not volunteer or spend every evening working on their house or landscaping or taking their kids to practices? They must be bored - because man, am I busy!

I get caught up in this as much as the next person. As someone who works from home, I feel as though I need to have an explanation for every moment of my day so that people know how dog-gone busy I am. The thing is... we don't need to defend every second of our day, guys. I know that I'm busy, but does sounding it off to others reaffirm it, or just make me sound insecure about it? When I see the Facebook posts that tout 'so busy' but 'so blessed' all I read is a bragging-complaint. Is busyness put on such a pedestal that anything less is not a blessing? 

Maybe sometimes it's out of fear that someone will ask you to add yet another thing to your plate. By telling them how busy you are, you get to shut them down before they can start. That being said, it is important to know your limits and how or when to say "no." The comfortable balance between work and play is different to everyone. Personally, I refrain from saying yes to engagements until I can really look at my agendas and give them a truthful answer. Saying no just because you don't want to, is entirely different from saying no because you just can't fit it in. Know your own limits and respond accordingly.

The inspiration for this post comes from an article I saved while in college. Apparently it spoke to me in those busy, self-centered college years, but it can still ring true for every stage of life. The article is called The Pride of Busyness and the author hits such amazing points... like in this quote, for instance:

"A life of constant overcommitment is not a sign of success, or something to be bragged about. It is a sign of imbalance, a sign we have put our faith in the gospel of busyness instead of in a God who dares us to trust Him and be willing to rest."

Beautifully said! You may find, in your willingness to rest, that God is reminding you of your purpose on this earth. That life isn't about working yourself into the ground, or having the money for the best and latest gadget, or getting your children to every.single.practice. Your time on this earth is a gift from God. Your life is for sharing the good news of salvation with others - whether you're busy or not.

So who cares if you're busy, and who cares if you're not. Enough with the pride of busyness... instead share the pride you have in knowing your Savior. The next time someone asks what's new, challenge yourself not to out-busy them. Instead share the blessings God has given you and look for the beauty in rest and contentedness. 

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